Serendipity...the faculty of making fortunate discoveries by accident.

'Serendib' is one of the ancient names of modern Sri Lanka. In the West the offshoot word senendipity became common in the 18th century due to English man of letters, Horace Walpole. He coined the word, having been inspired by a Persian fairy tale, 'The Three Princes of Senendib' whose heroes often made discoveries by chance. To this day in Sri Lanka, senendipitous occurrences are common and often acknowledged ... like this one...
The 'Monk' (affectionate nickname for my son) and I were lolling around in the afternoon shade of the 'Drunken Monkey', one of our favorite Hikkaduwa surf beach spots. As we occasionally glanced seaward keeping an eye out for action in the surf or on the beach, our glance became a gaze when we spotted the graceful tandem moves of an apparently foreign couple frolicking on the shore. The more we watched the more we became caught up in their highly professional skills and mutual understanding executed adeptly on the edge of the lapping waves. After some time, the handsome couple headed our way and we couldn't help commenting on their beauty and what a treat is was to watch them in action. We introduced ourselves and became friendly in no time, which is common in that laid back setting. We learned they were indeed professional dancers from Paris, France and were on a short holiday in Sri Lanka, having recently performed in Colombo. Being quite humble and very accommodating, they agreed to meet me and my camera a little later in the day for a repeat performance down by the waterside. What a treat!...the best impromptu shoot ever!!!
Let me introduce Tamara Fernando and Kirikoo and share with you a few pix from our little time on the beach in Hikkaduwa...