
I have always been drawn to the water…to the beach…to the basics—the sun, the sand, the sea comprised of a myriad of minute details.
The scale and magnitude, always mind blowing, everything shifting, sifting, never the same…flowing.
On any of her uniquely different coastal shorelines Sri Lankan beaches beckon. The lure, inviting to be caressed, to be cleansed, to be a part of it all… where the troubles of man seem far away, where the hand of God is undeniably evident, where the powers in place will kick your ass if you approach any way but with humility, reverence, respect and awe, where you can soak and sink into the naked mystery of it all…
British transplant, Arthur C. Clarke said it this way..."and always it is the same; the slender palm trees leaning over the white sand, the warm sun sparkling on the waves as they break on the inshore reef, the outrigger fishing boats drawn up high on the beach. This alone is real; the rest is but a dream from which I shall presently awake."
He had a way with words...