Like I mentioned in my last blog, Sriyani and I led a very talented group of students from the University of Nebraska on a recent trip to SE Asia. The emphasis of the trip was on writing and photography. We kicked off our adventure with a short visit to Singapore and finished up in Indonesia, but most of our time was spent touring Cambodia. It was remarkable to see what people notice, how perceptions differ, and how we are all affected once outside our comfort zones... I must say our little band was impressive in nimbly meeting every challenge and going with the flow, never quite knowing what was around the next corner. They remained humble and sensitive all the way... no 'ugly Americans' this time...
One of the assignments was for each student to document their trip through a personalized blog.
Let me introduce our students, encourage you to click on their blog sites, and enjoy the ride...

Tricia Dodson

Tyler Thomas

Paige Cornwell

Tawny Burmood

Calli Cain

Hillary Winter

Bridget Lewis

Janelle Keeler

Chelsea Coli

Here is Sriyani and some of our troops posing inside a tree just outside the Ta Prohm temple grounds where some may remember Angelina Jolie romping as Laura Croft in 'Tomb Raider'...

and here I am coming out of the trees with a few new friends on the Sambor Prei Kuk temple grounds in Kompong Thom...
more to come...
In the meantime, check out my students' blogs,