Well, it didn't seem so windy while we were there, but it was definitely a whirlwind tour for us! Sriyani was required to make a personal appearance in Chicago with all her necessary paperwork in order to satisfy the French Embassy officials for a temporary tourist visa to Europe. So, we drove 1,000 miles out and back in 3 days, starting in Nebraska, just to hand over the papers to the lady behind the glass window on the 37th floor...hmmmm. Her job was to act officially stern and hassle applicants over some remote detail, apparently hoping to see us grovel a bit. I'm pretty sure Sri Lankans are in some red flagged category due to their shared crafty nature and recent homeland insecurity. I don't know if Sriyani fits the profile, but she is definitely in the category.
No worries, though. We had beautiful weather for driving and had a super day on Sunday! The highlight was unexpected. Right next door to our hotel, a major art event was taking place. Nearly 300 booths were occupied by art galleries from around the globe displaying the best of their wares. It was a real treat for those interested in visual arts. Later in the day we trotted on down to Millenium Park. I'd never been there before...really cool!!! It was great to see everybody out and about with family, friends, and lovers all enjoying the beautiful spring weather together.
Here are a few more shots of Chicago, from just the other day.......a nice place to visit indeed.......

.....but, like Dorothy said, 'There's no place like home!'
more from Lincoln in the next post,