The awesome beauty of the heavens and the earth, the magnificence of the skies and the great power of the seas, all proclaim the glory of God and testify strongly against the idiots who would in upmost ignorance consider messing with the holy order of it all...
...the arrogance of little men, power usurpers and would be controllers pushing propagandas, dispensing death and disease and spewing their chemtrail filth in our skies! Shame on them! The One enthroned in heaven laughs... He knows their day is fast hold on, you truth lovers...
Enough is enough...back to the beach, where the sea meets the shore, where timeless nature beckons and earthlings answer the call by sunning and swimming, surfing and fishing and generally playing like little kids...grounding their barefoot bodies in the sand, breathing ozonic sea breezes and relinquishing all self will to the overwhelming power of the waves... I love it!

OK, now I'm determined!
I'm gonna follow these surfer dudes out into the waves and see if I can come up with a few good shots.
So, stay tuned...
To be continued...