Last night, Sriyani and I took in a ballgame at the 'K' in Kansas City. The Royals are on a great winning streak right now and were playing the Mighty Red Sox of Boston. Here I am making my way to the gate...
The rain stayed away, so it turned out to be a beautiful evening for a game...The easy going nature of baseball allows for people to bring some of their personal preferences and entertainments along with them to the game...including ball gloves, snacks, cameras, cellphones and favorite team caps and favorite player jerseys. In the case of the couple who sat in front of us, they brought most of that and more...They brought each other to play with!
It was a little tough to see when they stood up...
but, harder to concentrate on the game when they sat down...Ok, you two...let's get your heads in the game.

Royals won 5-1!
It's a beautiful thing!
Everyone went home happy!
Go Royals!