In 2002 my exhibition called 'PowWow Plains' showed at the Great Plains Art Gallery in Lincoln, Nebraska. Since then it has been touring the region and getting quite a bit of exposure. On July 5th, a considerable portion of original show will open again and be on display at the Jacht Club in the Haymarket District, across the street from the Mill Coffee Shop. If you are in town stop on by. And, happy 4th to everybody from some true patriots...

It's not only the powerful drumming and singing, and the wonderful dancing that impresses at the Pow Wow. Other priorities are also on display... the way people interact, the honoring of the flag and the veterans, the respect for the elders and family, the generosity and the joy of simple pleasures... For me, to be welcome in that circle has been genuinely refreshing...

This dancer showed an awesome display of endurance. With temperatures around 105 all afternoon, he refused to take refuge in the shade. After each dance performance, he stayed in the direct sun in full regalia! All the others were heard commenting on his great power and resilience. It was definitely impressive...

If you have never been to a Pow Wow event before, I highly recommend the experience. Go with an open mind and a humble attitude and you will be greatly rewarded.
I hope to see you there,
Stunning people and stunning photos!