Wednesday, September 2, 2015


The spin we're in...

Having spent the weekend at the longest running annual Pow Wow (210 years) hosted at Macy, Nebraska by the Omaha Tribe, I was again impressed by the unity and camaraderie of these indigenous people, still holding on...keeping the fire of the Spirit burning. The physical beauty of the event is obviously attractive to a guy like me, but it's the drum and the singing that really carry you...


According to my understanding, one of the main reasons for the shameful state we're in these days is our unchecked national treatment of the people relegated to reservations. We've subjugated the designated caretakers of the land and dishonored those more in tune with the spiritual side and what makes for true peace and harmony. Surely, there are foundational disagreements about ownership, control, the value of things and the meaning of freedom. As truth is distorted and deception is embraced all around, the beat goes on...

Fellow photographer, Aaron Huey delivered a powerful Ted Talk nutshell history lesson of the situation in nearby Pine Ridge, home of the Lakota, advocating understanding and respect...addressing issues which need to be rectified for the benefit of us all... check it out


As hearts turn to the fathers (elders), love and tell the children the truth...

respectfully,  Tom :^)


  1. Wow Tom, These pictures are talking a very grand language. Congratulations. Excellent capturing. The colours made my day.

  2. I like that, Soraya...a grand language...glad you 'got it'
