In search of the illusive Wild Pink Dolphin...
We pulled anchor bright and early, leaving the cozy confines of Kalpitiya on the Northwest coast of Sri Lanka, and headed out into the open sea waters of the Dutch Bay. Having been promised 'thousands of pink dolphins', after two hours of bruising, bottom busting in choppy waters we gave up the search. It wasn't our day...We didn't find what we were looking for, but did not despair. We kept our hopes up and faith alive and were miraculously deposited in a garden of delight (coral that is), the impressive Bar Reef.No dolphins this time, but we did come across a lovely Wild Pink Duwa...
Jacques le Harley the Aqua Monk
In troubled water and turbulent times, you turn to see who's still with you and still smiling...
I have nothing but affection for those who dare to sail with this till the end...